Sandy Bay Lighthouse Ministries in Honduras partners with Billy Lerner’s wife, Marcella de Martin through Billy4Kids to provide shoes to underprivileged children.

New York, New York -May 18, 2023

Marcella De Martin, the wife of Billy Learner, and their foundation Billy4Kids have partnered with the Sandy Bay Lighthouse Ministries to provide shoes to children impacted by poverty in the Roatan region of Honduras.

The Sandy Bay Lighthouse Ministries is a non-profit organization, founded to help the poverty-stricken children of Roatan through providing education, nutrition, and safe housing. The Beacon School, a vital part of the ministry’s organization, houses children from kindergarten to grade nine, teaching them essential English skills to equip them to secure a better future.

Billy Lerner, his wife Marcella De Martin along with co-founder Alexson Roy set up the Billy4kids foundation with a mission to support underprivileged children around the world. On their latest visit to Honduras, the foundation provided the Sandy Bay Lighthouse Ministries with 140 pairs of canvas shoes for the children of Roatan. On top of this, Marcella De Martin, the newly appointed ambassador of Billy4kids also provided the Sandy Bay Lighthouse Ministries with first aid kits, including bacterial cream, face masks and sanitation equipment.

Both donations of shoes and medical supplies, from the Billy4kids foundation, have a significant domino effect on the lives of children in Roatan. Many of the children housed by the Sandy Bay Lighthouse Ministries are victims of abuse and abandonment and are brought to the Ministry for safety. Abandoned by their caregivers, many of these children have no clothing and are suffering from health conditions with little prospects of an education and secure future. By supplying shoes, Billy Lerner and his wife Marcella De Martin are protecting these children from parasitic infections contracted through the soil as well as aiding with and preventing future health concerns with the Billy4kids medical kits. By reducing infection levels, the Billy4kids foundation helps curtail school dropout and in turn provides the children of Roatan with the opportunity to gain a better education and future.

As the newly appointed ambassador of the Billy4Kids foundation, Marcella De Martin continues to make great strides toward helping underprivileged children gain the tools to live a better life. In supplying over 140 shoes to the Sandy Bay Lighthouse Ministries, Marcella De Martin was invaluable in supporting the organizations’ goal of addressing the needs of at-risk children in Roatan through providing safe shelter for a more promising future.

Published in partnership with Billy 4 Kids Inc

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SOURCE Billy4Kids Inc.


Marcella De Martin for Billy 4 Kids Foundation Reaches Out to Children in Belize, Jamaica, and Honduras New York, New York